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5 Hafez Ibrahim Street, Wabour Al-Miah, Alexandria, Egypt.


Corporate Communication The Central Bank of Egypt

Dr. Ghada’s extensive experience in banking and finance qualified her to join the Central Bank of Egypt in 2005 as an influential and effective addition. 

She supervised the department of external debt risk. In 2008, she joined the banking reform sector to oversee the international institutions’ portfolio, and then moved in 2013, to the international markets and portfolio management department.

In May 2015, she had successfully set up a new department to carry out a follow-up, risk monitoring and supervisory role over the portfolios of banks’ clients with major exposures.

In 2017, she was entrusted to establish the corporate communications department to manage the overall communication strategy and facilitate transparency and disclosure based on international standards

During her successful career path, Dr. Ghada was awarded a number of certificates of merit and appreciation, and she was honoured for her role in developing the investment environment in Egypt by the Ministry of Investment, the IMF, the World Bank and local authorities, as well as other international institutions. She also received many awards in acknowledgment of her efforts as one of the most influential iconic women in society.

In addition to her extensive banking and finance experience, Dr. Ghada enjoys distinguished scientific qualifications and lectures on Finance, Economics and Management. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics, a Masters Degree of Business Administration and Finance, and PhD in the Economics of Energy Subsidy Deregulation, in addition to a number of specialized training courses at Nasser Academy in the fields of National Security, Crisis Management and Decision Making.